Monday 26 September 2011

You are what you share, post and tweet!

Facebook, Twitter and now Google+, with these social networks coming up and with its upgrades and competitions to sign up more members the questions remains on how secure is your identity.

From LAN connections to Wi-Fi, from Desktops to Laptops, from laptops to tablets and so forth, there is now unlimited means on how you can access these social networking sites. With these new technologies anyone who is somehow linked to you can always see what you are up to depending on the information that you publish on your page.

It takes about a minute of your time to blurt out what is in your mind; it takes second for the entire world to see what it is that you are thinking about. Joining the army, starting a cult, eating pasta, cooking your favorite dish, hating someone, whatever it is that you do or thinking of doing, always remember that it reflects an image of who you are. Want proof? Here is how would you classify a person by just having an ice cream. There are those who are Direct to the point and would probably post “Craving for some ice cream”, these are people who knows what they want doesn’t matter what ice cream they just want an ice cream. On the other hand there are those who are the picky people who might post something like “craving for some chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup and nuts topped with whip cream” and would probably followed by :( face at the end, but need I say more about these people. Then there are those who are the undecided type, Chocolate or Vanilla? Strawberry or Rocky Road? or should get a doughnut instead? And they will have a monologue in their mind thinking about what doughnut to get, then will get frustrated and get back to getting ice cream in which they will ask themselves the same questions.

So the next time you blurt something out always remember that the whole world can see what you post. You only have one identity and you might as well protect it.

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