Friday 30 November 2012

More than a Moneybox!

In Turkey, there is a huge moneybox with a huge aim! It is not for collecting money. It is for collecting books and toys for the kids of the families with low income. Starting point of the campaign is the needs of a child. Each child needs a toy and each child must read the books but the schoolbooks! Money can not be an obstacle to provide books & toys to those kids!
 2-meter moneybox is located in the city center and people are bringing their books and the toys that they do not need any more. The books and the toys collected will be distributed to the kids.
The campaign is driven by the municipality and the idea is a great idea for a social solidarity campaign. Besides, the campaign’s hype was not limited with one city. It took the attentions nationally!
Good idea, good campaign! 


1 comment:

  1. Excellent charity work with an excellent outdoor activity! It should be spread all over the country reaching as many kids as possible!
