Thursday 24 November 2011

“Thank-You” makes you a better client servicing person.

Came across this article written by Laura Spencer, from North Central Texas- Two Special Words that Will Make Your Clients See You Differently. Even though these might seems like a little word to you, but saying these 2 words does mean a lot to your client at all times.

It shows them that you CARE, APPRECIATE and SINCERE.
It makes them feel that they are IMPORTANT, VALUED and ACKNOWLEDGED.

Five Times to Thank a Client or Prospective Client

Here are five occasions when you should consider thanking a client or prospective client:

  1. When they’ve met with you personally. Say something like, “Thank-you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday.”
  2. When they’ve interviewed you by phone. Say something like, “Thank-you for considering me for this project.”
  3. When they’ve gone out of their way to provide with support for a project. Say something like, “Thank-you for the help and support that you provided on XYZ project.”
  4. When you enjoyed the work that you did. Say something like, “Thank-you for giving me the opportunity to work on XYZ project. I really enjoyed it.”
  5. When you enjoyed dealing with the client as an individual. Say something like, “Thank-you for working with me on XYZ project. I think that we make a good team.”

BUT, watch out for the “Thanks-You” hurdles:

  1. The insincere thank-you. Don’t tell the client that you enjoyed working with them or on their project if you both know it’s not true. Most clients can sense when you’re being insincere.
  2. The inappropriate thank-you. Don’t thank your client for the support they gave you if they didn't give you any help, and so on.
  3. The overblown thank-you. A thank-you need not be excessive to be effective. Don’t make your client uncomfortable by fawning on him or her or offering inappropriate gifts.

So, now it’s your turn! Thank You :)

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