Friday 8 February 2013

Sticking in minds with BTTF

I was a little kid when I watched ''Back to the Future'' for the first time on TV. Since that day, BTTF triology is one of my favourites. But of course, I was too ''young'' to recognize the product placements in the triology. Years after, I started to notice them. And I need watch once again to count the exact number of the brands in 3 films. Nike, DeLorean -of course- and Pepsi are the most outstanding ones. But Calvin Klein, Toyota, Pizza Hut are quite remarkable as well. And there are other brands.

First scene of the first movie starts with Nike! 

Nike is quite visible during the second movie too. 
This gray model is still popular for BTFF fans. 

 And DeLorean of course!

Marty McFly: "Are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?!"
Doc Brown: "The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?"

And Pepsi!

Calvin Klein's placement is definetly sticking in minds. After the scene below, Lorraine calls Marty as ''Calvin'' till the end of the first movie.

Back to the Future 1 is 28 years old. And, it was a long-term, really long term, and a succesful investment for the brands that had product placements in the BTTF films. 

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