Monday 18 February 2013

27 Tips To Make Your Brand A Social Media Powerhouse

  • Link to your Facebook page in your email newsletter
  • Post your news releases to Facebook as an update
  • Link to your blog and website on Facebook
  • Run competitions on Facebook
  • Ask customers to vote on two new products to see which one will sell (Supre do this on their Facebook page
  • Advertise on Facebook
  • Video 2 minute reviews of your products and upload them to YouTube
  • Interview your company’s experts who are passionate about what they do and literally embed them virtually into your website and blogs.
  • Interview customers by video
  • Interview your companies key strategic partners on video and upload those to YouTube
  • Record your seminars and post it to YouTube
Evolve your blog into a social portal by including these social features
  • Retweet buttons as a standard feature of your blog
  • Facebook Social plugin (this will then update everyone who “likes” your company Facebook page when a new update hits the Facebook stream)
  • Facebook share feature
  • Embed and feature YouTube videos on the blog in the side panel and in posts
  • Place a LinkedIn share button at the top of each post
  • Put your companies Twitterfeed on its LinkedIn profile
  • Link to Facebook on the profile (you have 3 website URL’s available to use)
  • Link To your Companies blog from LinkedIn
  • Activate the LinkedIn blog feature panel
  • Retweet buttons on your blog
  • Tweet buttons on your email
  • Tweet specials to your brands followers
  • Monitor Twitter noise for customer feedback
  • Create multiple twitter accounts that communicate to each of your vertical markets
Social Mobile
  • Develop a mobile app that includes features makes it easy for people to share with their friends on Facebook or Twitter
  • Register with Facebook places and start offering specials to people who checkin nearby on their mobile phone

by Jeff Bullas

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