Thursday 8 July 2010

Every little bit helps...

I was really pleased to hear Wafaa Tarnowska talking about corporate social responsibility on the radio the other day. She is such an inspiring member of the community and has been doing great things for the DLA Piper, the law firm for which she works (you can read more about her work at It got me thinking about the CSR activities that all companies could be part of, it also got me thinking about the amount of damage we are doing to the earth (I will leave that depressing topic for the another blog or blogger!). Other than the obvious things such as turning off computers, laptops, lights and AC each night, Waffaa talked about contributions that do not have a big cost associated with them. These include pro bono work such as donating ones time to transfer skills to those in need, mentoring students, organizing visits for students to organizations. It was a great relief to realize that we at Creative Concepts do more than I had given credit to (recycling, supporting homegrown artists and charities), although I think there is a lot more that we can all do from an organizational prospective and individually. I asked myself, what can I do for one hour either professional or personally to contribute towards CSR or individual social responsibility. The answer was difficult; what would you do if you had a spare hour? The response is different for us all, but every lit bit helps.
I concluded that my pledge is to give an hour this week by picking up any rubbish in the area that I live and take it to the recycling facility.
This week I urge all of us to commit to giving a hour for a worthy cause either for your organization or yourself. Let me know how you go...

Lara Christopher
Director - New Business

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