Thursday 8 July 2010

What would you do?

Following last week’s blog on CSR and individual social responsibility I have had various interesting conversations on what people would spend one hour a week on. If nothing else the topic did seem to get people thinking, so here are some of the ideas:
1. Spend the hour with my children doing something constructive
2. Teach a child to read
3. Write a letter for someone who's English is not good
4. Teach someone English
5. Get a cooler, filled with ice and bottles of water and drive around the Meadows distributing to any gardeners or labourer’s
6. Cook something for the security guard
7. Allow my staff to go home an hour early
8. Read to an elderly person
9. write that letter to family oversees
10. Smile to all I meet!

This should keep us all going for a while, happy ISR-ing!

Lara Christopher
Business Development Director

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