Sunday 18 July 2010

Helping Hands

We at Creative Concepts recently pooled in some money for “Helping Hands”.

It was a sweet, very thoughtful and a courageous gesture – especially in these times!

In spite of all the good intension's I have, I often find my own reasons and arguments for not extending a “helping hand” to those in need – financial obligations, lack of time, procrastination… the list of reasons can be unending and most of the time well justified (according to me at least J)! But the joy and nice feeling that it brings each time I act, is priceless & makes me wonder - with guilt - “why it took me so long?”

The “Helping Hands” project at CC once again made me think “why?” In introspection, more often than not I feel discouraged with thoughts like, ‘is my meager contribution going to make any difference anyway’ or, ‘is the money really going into the right hands’ or, ‘isn’t it better to help someone I know who is in need than give money to organizations that claim to help people in need – what if they are misusing the funds they get?’

I think of a story I read about author C.S. Lewis, who was a famous charitable giver. After Lewis gave money to a homeless man, someone asked the author if he was worried that the money was given to a fraudster who was pretending to be homeless. He replied, "At the end of my life, it won’t really matter to me that I gave money to someone who didn’t need it. But what will matter to me is whether I DID give money to someone who actually did need it."

This story also reminds me of my maternal grand-father - who had a “reputation” for giving away things, money and even land to the “wrong” people (apparently, people who tricked him into giving away). He always quipped, “let him take it, probably he really is in need, who knows… does it really matter? The Bible says, it is your intension that matters!”

At the risk of sounding New Age-y - which I most definitely am by the way - money is (also) a form of energy: the Energy of Exchange! And, like all other energy forms it needs to flow and not be held bound with a few. We know that when any form of energy is confined to one place it becomes a destructive force!

Like Thermal energy flows from hotter region/ surface to cooler region/surface. Like Potential Energy causes things at a higher level to flow/fall down to lower levels... money needs to flow too – from the “haves” to the “have-nots” - in order for it to be useful, so that the cycle is complete, to prevent it from causing destructive effects like economic bottle necks!

It’s more important to give than ever right now! The economy appears to be stalled, because there’s a fear of the security in the future. Yet, by holding back on spending or giving, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy and a bottle-neck effect.

The economy is in our individual hands. You and I have the power to unblock the bottleneck with shows of confidence and courage, such as giving to those in need. If you know of someone who has lost a job, or a family with financial needs, rally around them and create a network of giving with your other neighbors. Simple acts of giving can save lives, families, and the economy right now.

Prophets have long taught about the importance of tithing and giving, as an ancient secret of attracting and manifestation. Whatever you need more of, give that same away: money, time, clothing, furniture, love, helpfulness . . . anything! It’s a demonstration of abundance to the universe, that always results in miraculous experiences of receiving in response to giving.

Of course we don’t give in order to receive. Instead, give with joy and courage, and without attachment to outcome. And know that you are already receiving in surprising, unexpected, and sometimes miraculous ways!

Today, look for three or more ways to give. It can be anything: a smile, a hug, words of encouragement, a ride, a meal, or money. Feel the shift within yourself each time that you give. And trust that your needs are being taken care of automatically. Give with confidence. Give today!

{I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe that everything happens for a reason… And it is no coincidence that I receive this link [] in an email today, as I write this blog …. this very moving song by Declan Galbraith - which so touched my heart.}

(reposted -

Mary Aji
Line Manager - Marketing

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