Sunday 18 July 2010

Thinking how the consumers buy rather than how to sell...

Numerous companies think about how they can sell to their product or services and instead they should be focusing on how their target market buys.

The thought process to purchase a product/service starts with a need, this can be as simple as hunger, craving for crisps or having seen an advert. This triggers the search for the product, further decisions follow such as where should this purchase for the packet of crisps, do I go to the corner shop? Garage? Will it be my regular flavour of cheese and onion or will I try that new flavour I saw advertised? Or do I go for the current multi-buy on a different brand/flavour? There are numerous decisions and situations that may affect the buying process which can make or break the sale. The trick therefore, is to identify the thought processes that the customer goes through, to see what they are looking for and provide with the advertising of your product.

An example of a brand following these steps is from the top UK crisps brand, Walkers. In times where people will be noting difference of price between brands and saving any way they can, how do you keep a top brand at the top? Especially products such as crisps, surely crisps are crisps? For those who are not familiar with the brand, Walkers has been a well loved brand selling crisps since 1945, and in the later 80s took on the ex England footballer Gary Lineker to market the brand further giving it an even bigger boost in popularity. A lot of the popularity has been generated to the extensive marketing and advertising campaigns with offers such as money off trips around the UK, free tokens, not to mention a continuous presence on UK TV. Their favourite competition to generate interest around Walkers and its range of flavours is their “Do us a flavour” competition where the public were encouraged to send in their ideas for new flavours, the best 6 flavours are chosen, made into new flavours for the public to buy, try and vote. The overall most popular flavour will be the edition to the Walkers family.

The flavours can be completely random, with the current 6 contenders being; Onion Bhaji, Cajun Squirrel (yes really!), Fish and Chips, Builders Breakfast, Chilli and Chocolate and Crispy Duck Hoisin. Each flavour has its own TV advert and promotional campaign both on and offline, with the official website as the means for voting for the winning flavour. Check out the website: – click on ‘Do us a flavour’. The website is great, really advanced and mega creative, something I have never seen on a campaign such as this before. Have a go watching the ad’s and playing on the games. Here is one to get you interested!.....

This campaign is in the final stretch and has already created massive consumer demand with driving consumers to purchase not just one packet of crisps but all 6 to try all of them. Other brands can definitely take a leaf out of Walkers book and put all your efforts in the marketing and advertising around your product when other competitors may not.

(reposted: )

Emmeline Fisher
Senior Events Executive

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